Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria

Denne vulkanskapte øya har vært et yndet sted for besøkende siden slutten av 1950-tallet. Ikke bare øyas kultur og historie er meget fascinerende, men også omgivelser med uberørt natur går usett forbi. Gran Canaria tilbyr besøkene en fantastisk blanding av fjell, klart akvamarinfarget vann, samt meget underholdende golf. Golfbanenes fairways er omkranset langs kantene av palmetrær sammen med majestetiske scenarier. Besøk Gran Canaria og ta en innbydende dukkert blant historisk kultur, hyggelig lokalbefolkning, fremragende arkitektur og sjarmerende inntrykk. Det hender meget ofte at besøkerne kommer tilbake for mer, enten for å oppleve noe fra tidligere besøk, eller delta I aktiviteter, samt besøke steder de gikk glipp av ved forrige besøk. Se turer til Gran Canaria her!

Gran Canaria Golfhøydepunkter

Byer i Gran Canaria

Solfylte dager
Øl (pint)
EUR 1.10
Taxi 1 km

Ting å gjøre i Gran Canaria

Golf course - Food & drinks

Food & drinks

The island of Gran Canaria will provide an experience for your taste buds that will last a lifetime. With locally grown products, the restaurants will serve fresh, healthy, and sustainable meals that will satisfy any gastronomical enthusiast. Sink your teeth into meals anywhere from the harbor, to the inland, or find the hidden gems in the mountains to get a birds-eye-view of the island while experiencing delicious cuisine with special offers.
Golf course - Nature


Hikers will find every component for a magical walk among bright sunlight, tropical forests, and magnificent beaches. The island is a green oasis with different plant species found around every corner. The mountain tops are reachable, and hikers will be met with a panoramic view that exceeds your imagination. Known as a starlight destination, the clear blue skies during the day turn into an unfathomable painting with dark skies filled with stars that is mind-blowing for the most experienced stargazers.
Golf course - Culture


Neighboring the coast of West Africa, the ground pillars of the Spanish island’s culture come from a solid mix of multicultural aspects that have established this colorful world heritage site. You will most definitely need more than one trip to get the full picture of Gran Canaria’s rich culture, museums, archaeological parks, the Great Fiesta, and beautiful architecture.